Wednesday, September 21, 2011

P-R-O-G-R-E-S-S ~ Infrastructure

Transport for Canberra

Transport for Canberra will provide a more effective and efficient transport system that meets the needs of the community while reducing the environmental and social impacts of transport.

The ACT Government has released its draft Transport for Canberra policy for public comment. The policy has been developed following extensive community and stakeholder engagement,
including Time to Talk: Canberra 2030.

Transport for Canberra builds on the 2004 Sustainable Transport Plan and complements the draft 2011 ACT Planning Strategy to promote a shift to a more sustainable Canberra with more
sustainable transport.

As Canberra grows and changes, Transport for Canberra will help us to reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions while increasing the number of people using active and public transport to get to work from 20% in 2011 to 23% in 2016 and 30% in 2026. It will increase accessibility for all Canberrans and improve links throughout the region.

This fact sheet summarises Transport for Canberra and tells you how you can find more information and submit comments. Your comments are valued and will help the Government finalise the policy and implement its actions.

Public transport

Everyone in Canberra should have access to public transport that has fast, frequent and reliable connections. To encourage more people to use public transport, Transport for Canberra proposes:
  • „„a Frequent Network of buses and rapid transit running every 15 minutes or less through main corridors
  • „„a ‘coverage’ service that feeds into the Frequent Network and ensures access to public transport for everyone; every home will be within 500m of a bus service of at least 60 minute frequency
  • „„a comprehensive system of safe Bike and Ride and Park and Ride facilities so people can ride their bike or drive to a stop on the Frequent Network „„an environmentally friendly fleet with modern ticketing, real time passenger information and efficient and accessible
    network planning
  • „„an environmentally friendly fleet with modern ticketing, real time passenger information and efficient and accessible network planning „„
  • „more bus stations and other public transport infrastructure such as bus priority lanes and traffic signal priority 
  • „„better connections for people transferring to a second bus 
  • „„flexible community transport for low demand areas, high care/high value services and services to new greenfield developments
  • „„a transport system that can be adapted to mass public transport, with work already in train to study light rail for Northbourne Avenue and the Gungahlin to City corridor.
Active travel

Active transport is a new term meaning that people use physical activity—such as walking, cycling and scooting—to get all or part way to their destination. Active travel is low cost and healthy, helping people achieve the National Physical Activity Guidelines of 30 minutes a day of physical activity as part of their daily routine.

Transport for Canberra proposes to make active travel the easy
choice by:
  • „„extending the network of community paths, segregated cycleways, shared spaces and paths and on-road cycle lanes— and improving signage and safety
  • „„encouraging more people to live, work and play within their local community
  • „„working with the community to promote active travel, particularly in schools „„
  • creating better walking and cycling connections to bus stops, Bike and Ride facilities, and local destinations like group and local centres.
Managing roads and vehicles

To promote sustainability and a strong ACT economy, Transport for Canberra proposes:
  • „„a road network of ring roads and central road corridors that encourages the efficient movement of goods and people using all modes of transport
  • „„improved freight and regional connections, including rail, high speed rail, cross border transport
  •  „„better management of parking
  • „„a greater focus on safety.
Managing travel demand

Transport for Canberra will manage travel demand by drawing together all the above issues to create an integrated system of transport planning and infrastructure development across all
modes of transport. Transport for Canberra proposes to:

  • „„create a safer, more efficient and more sustainable transport system
  • „„price transport equitably, efficiently and sustainably
  • „„promote sustainable transport options
  • „„reduce transport emissions.

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